Allergic to ‘E’ challenge

Cute Kitty

Dear blogger Waffles nominated me for this unusual challenge: Form a para with no letter “E”.(The originator was Let’s have a look how I can work this out!

My Lin3s (I’m cl3v3r, ha ha..I know I can go on lik3 this for3v3r, but staying tru3 to th3 chall3ng3 now…):

” I find a cat in my room today! I abhor cats, but it’s probably gonna rain so I’ll just adjust now. “Kitty looks poor, may a bowl of milk satisfy its stomach”, I say. As I pass my bowl, It jumps onto my lap! Kitty licks my good old China bowl straight, finishing it thoroughly. I think I don’t want Kitty to go. It’s truly a charm as it looks : as I play my Guitar chords, it licks my arm – that captivating action !!! Its his way of saying- “I am fond of you”. Awww..I’ll in no way want you to go. So I walk across my room to turn my windowsill shut!

Just at that act! ‘Knock-knock-knock’. “Who’s it?”, I think. A small girl of about 9 darts in with a grin and holds small Kitty in a tight hug. That man, plainly: Kitty’s guardian, asks my pardon & thanks my soul for caring for it.

Daddy, his girl & Kitty vanish from my sight but my mind’s not wanting to bid it, no! Kitty was my pal, NO! My world,..but in a flash, it’s lost out of my sight 😦 I will not at all abhor cats, from now on. Ya!. For my charming nostalgia’s good, for Kitty’s good.


So it started as a challenge but eventually I got engrossed into it. And a good story came out of my mind! I got all emotional writing this. Hey Waffles thank you. I think I can make a short Comic Scene on this, what do you think?

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