Day 5: Keeping up with the Promises !

Fresh blue Celestial Expanse after Rain

Thank you God for sending rain and painting the sky a deeper shade of blue !

And finally love to all my fellow bloggers who wished me well and encouraging me ! My inspirations were some amazing bloggers on WordPress!

Lovely Palms!

Lovely Palms!

Emotional post

You can see a kite if you observe carefully. Trees have to suffer so much!

Thanks to Rita Faes, Dan, Izzy, Rin Sae…and some new friends- Arria Cross, Denny Sinnoh and all my friends!

Day 4: It’s Raining! It’s Raining!


And i forgot to take along my camera. How sad that was…

Anyway, have a look. I had difficulty choosing among the two.

Rays of light

Rays of light


Day 2: Exploring my Creative Limits…


My shadow with my friend's shadow

Friends forever shadow

Here’s my second photo for the challenge !
Hope you guys like it!

The one of the left is my friend’s shadow, and the right one’s mine.This one’s a trendsetter! 😛

Day 1: Accepting the Challenge


Grayscale Rose


I thought, “why not start from my own place?”. So here it is…A Rose